Order Online Below or Call: 1-812-579-5063

We gladly accept Mastercard, Visa,American Express and Discover.

Chameleon™ Acoustical Grill Cloth in Large and Small Sizes

Big 188" Wide | Quick Delivery | Best Prices | Big (or Small too!)

One fabric solution unleashes your creativity because of its textural, special effects both visual and auditory for speaker systems or organ grilles.

The 'Sound' Science Behind Chameleon™ Grill Cloth

Organ grill cloth replacement
Project by Messrs. Czelusniak et Dugal, Inc
Organ grill fabric is being replaced in this in-progress picture. The blue is custom dyed Chameleon™.
Organ grill cloth replacement
Riverview Seventh-day Adventist Church in Pasco, Washington
Organ grill fabric hung as an acoustically transparent wall (organ cavity is behind the cloth). The upper portion is custom dyed Chameleon™.
Organ Grill Replacement
©LuAnn Jones, West Point FUMC
Organ grill replacement, unusual shapes cut to fit. Large grill cloth sizes.

Order Online Below or
Call: 1-812-579-5063

We gladly accept Mastercard, Visa and American Express.
 Order Small Sizes

Height Feet
Height is measured from floor to ceiling.

Width Feet
Width is measured from left to right.


Flame Retardant

Prices start at only $9

By pressing this button and ordering, the customer acknowledges that they have read and understand the important flame retardant information in the FAQ page
 Order Just The Material in 15' 8" Widths
Unfinished, colored Chameleon™
15'8" Wide Chameleon™ Material Priced Per Yard (unfinished, no seams)
Flame Retardant (adds $9/yd)

Number of Yards

 Order Fully Finished
Custom Finished Chameleon™ scrim

Custom Size and Finishing Chameleon™ 

Height Feet
Height is measured from floor to ceiling.
Width Feet
Width is measured from left to right.

Two finishes are offered for online ordering. Other finishes are available by ordering over the phone.
Flame Retardant

Prices do not include shipping costs. All prices subject to final company review before honoring by order fulfillment.
Because the natural width of Chameleon ™ is 15' 8", if 15 feet is selected for height the actual height dimension will be 15'5". If 15 foot is selected for width the actual width will be 15'8".

It is possible to order larger scrims or more exact sizes than shown. For these and other questions, please call 1-812-579-5063

* Chameleon™is not inherently flame retardant. However, Studio Productions, Inc. recommends that all fabrics hung on stage or in public settings be flame retardant treated. We also recommend that care is taken to not expose any hung fabric--treated or not--to a flame source. If you are ordering Chameleon™ scrim without flame retardant treatment you should treat it before use for most applications.