Order Online Below or Call: 1-812-579-5063

We gladly accept Mastercard, Visa,American Express and Discover.

Roadshow™  Custom Projection Screens Shipped to You in Days

Professional Quality Screen, Quick Delivery, Easy to Take on the Road

Funny thing. We found that people wanted a projection solution that could move from stage to stage. One that didn't roll. One that didn't have to be side tensioned, that wouldn't 'hourglass'. Its a simple solution, that just works. No hype.

But When Do I Use Roadshow™ and When Do I Use Your Scrim?

Its true, we have the best scrim for front or rear projection (Chameleon™ Scrim). But scrims are best in large sizes. In small sizes like 10' x 15' or smaller, an opaque screen can be better.

On the other hand, scrims allow for more than projection. If you need a scrim for its special effects--like reveal effects, silhouette screens or shadow screen effects then a scrim is a better choice. Finally, a scrim is acoustically transparent, while a screen is not. So if you need sound to pass through the surface, then choose a scrim.

Need to ask questions? Just not sure whether you need a scrim or a screen? Just call us and discuss.

Order Screens with a Purchase Order
As hundreds of schools and Universities know, we make using POs easy. To use a Purchase Order Click Here

Order Online Below or Call Now: 1-812-579-5063
We gladly accept Mastercard, Visa and American Express.
 Order a Roadshow™ Projection Screen

Custom Size and Finishing Roadshow™ Projection Screens

Height Feet
Height is measured from floor to ceiling.
Width Feet
Width is measured from left to right.

Color (Only White Currently Available)


Two finishes are offered for online ordering. Other finishes are available by ordering over the phone.

Prices do not include shipping costs. All prices subject to final company review before honoring by order fulfillment.

It is possible to order larger screens or more exact sizes than shown. For these and other questions, please Call Now 1-812-579-5063